Imagine one day, everything changes because of an injury—suddenly, your daily routine, your job, your family life, everything takes a backseat. Now, picture standing in a courtroom, the place where your fight for rightful compensation begins. This is where the jury, your empathetic audience, comes in, tasked with understanding and evaluating your life-altering experience. It’s undeniably nerve-wracking, but learning what to expect will help mentally prepare you for the moment of truth.

Collecting Your Story

The first step towards preparing for a jury trial in a personal injury lawsuit is to gather all relevant details about your experience. This initial phase involves conducting detailed interviews to understand the incident, the injuries sustained, and the subsequent impact on your life. During this phase, it is vital to collect all necessary documents that might support your case, such as medical records, witness statements, and other pertinent information.

It’s not just about the physical injuries; it’s about the emotional and psychological scars that the incident has left. These details are not just important–they are everything. They contribute to building a narrative that reflects the true extent of your suffering. Remember, capturing the emotional fallout is just as important as the physical injuries. It plays a significant role in the jury’s understanding and empathy towards your situation.

Painting a Picture of Your Pain

After gathering all the necessary information, the next step is to present these details effectively to the jury. This stage is about creating a narrative, your powerful story, that not only informs but also emotionally engages the jury. By utilizing medical records, personal testimonies, and visual aids like photos and videos, the goal is to provide a comprehensive view of the injuries and their impact.

This narrative will outline not just the incident but also the aftermath—highlighting your physical pain, emotional distress, and the financial burdens like medical expenses and lost wages. The presentation aims to make the jury feel the depth of your suffering, which is crucial for the success of your claim.

The Technical Side of a Jury Trial

Technically, a jury trial involves several stages, starting with the selection of jurors. The aim here is to choose jurors who might resonate with your situation. The trial then moves through various phases, such as opening statements, witness testimonies, and cross-examinations. Each stage offers a chance to strengthen your narrative and advocate effectively for your rights.

Throughout the trial, your attorney will be your voice. They will present your case, introduce evidence, and question witnesses. This is complemented by legal arguments and possibly motions to tackle any issues that arise during the proceedings. The culmination of the trial is the closing arguments, where your attorney will recapitulate the main points of your case, underscoring the evidence of your suffering.

The ultimate goal of a jury trial in a personal injury case is to communicate effectively the full extent of your suffering to the jury. Your attorney plays a pivotal role in ensuring that each step is tailored to present your case in the most persuasive manner, aiming to secure the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering.

If you or someone you know is dealing with the aftermath of an injury and considering legal action, it’s crucial to get professional guidance. Contact Dillon Grube Law at 608-373-5560 to schedule a consultation. Our team, your reliable support system, is here to guide you through every step of your legal journey. We want to help you achieve the justice and compensation you need to move forward and get your life back on track.

Hiring the right contractor for your home improvement project is more than just picking a name out of a hat. It’s about making smart choices to avoid headaches later on. Whether you’re fixing up your place after an injury or just looking to upgrade your living space, finding a trustworthy contractor can make all the difference. Let’s dive into some essential tips to keep in mind.

Check Recent References

It’s crucial to look at a contractor’s most recent work. Why? Because things change. A contractor who was great two years ago might not be so reliable today. Get in touch with recent clients to hear about their experiences. Ask them if the contractor finished the work on time, communicated well, did quality work, and how they handled any problems. This will give you a clear picture of what to expect.

Get It All in Writing

Never rely on just a handshake or verbal agreement. Get every detail down in writing. This means having a contract that clearly lays out what work will be done, the materials used, timelines, payment schedules, and warranty information. A written contract helps prevent misunderstandings and gives you something solid to refer to if things don’t go as planned.

Now, about the money – don’t pay it all upfront. A payment plan that matches project milestones is your best bet. Also, make sure the contract covers how changes to the plan will be handled. This way, if you decide on a different paint color or an extra window, you know how it’ll affect your budget and schedule.

Hire a Lawyer

Don’t overlook the legal side of things. Having a lawyer look over or draft your contract can save you from future trouble. They can make sure everything is up to snuff, including following the rules laid out in the Wisconsin Home Improvement Act for locals. This act is there to protect you, ensuring that contracts are clear and fair, and it provides solutions if things go sideways.

Wisconsin Home Improvement Act

For those in Wisconsin, this law is a big deal. It demands that any home improvement project over $1,000 has a written contract. This contract needs to spell out the project details, costs, and your right to cancel within three business days. It’s all about setting standards and keeping the business honest, giving you a way to fight back if needed.

So, when you’re ready to spruce up your home, keep these tips in mind. Doing your homework and getting the right legal help can turn your renovation dream into a reality, minus the drama.

For any legal advice or to ensure your home improvement contract is airtight, Dillon Grube Law is here for you. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to your rights, we’re just a call away at 608-373-5560 to guide you through your home improvement legal needs.


You were just in a car accident. Your head is spinning and you are trying to grasp what just happened. Then the thought hits you: “How am I going to pay for this?”

You’re not alone in this thought. Everyone who survives a car accident has a moment where the extensive medical, insurance, and mechanic bills pile up in their mind and the costs feel overwhelming. The actions you take in the immediate aftermath of a Wisconsin car accident are crucial – your financial future may even depend on it.

We want to help prepare you for the potential of such a situation so you know what to do before it’s too late. Before we delve into the details, it’s important to note that your health is the biggest priority. If you need medical attention then it’s imperative that you prioritize that. Any legal or financial fallout from your case will get sorted out, but your physical health is paramount in the aftermath of any car accident.

Now, beyond your physical health, what should you prioritize in your car accident case?

Documentation is Key

If you are physically able to document certain elements at the scene of your accident then it’s essential to commence documentation immediately. Use your cell phone or any camera at hand to record the scene extensively. While maintaining respect for all parties involved, capture video and photographic evidence of vehicle damage (yours and other vehicles), any non-vehicle property damage, and the overall scene. Safely record conversations with other parties and the police, focusing on details that may have contributed to the accident.

If the other party or parties are making you feel unsafe then consider waiting until police arrive to communicate with anyone involved or to record relevant videos and information. Gathering the following information is important for your insurance claim and/or lawsuit, but you should limit discussions with other parties to:

  • Names, contact, and insurance details of other drivers and injured parties
  • Weather conditions at the time
  • Road conditions
  • Contact information of potential witnesses

Avoid discussing fault at the scene. It may be tempting to hop out of your car and ask someone what they were thinking by blowing a red light or ignoring the right of way, but these conversations can unexpectedly impact your case negatively.

Your job isn’t to determine fault. Your job is to document what you can and provide that information to the necessary parties (like your Wisconsin personal injury attorney).

Understand Your Recovery Sources

Next, you need to understand where your financial recovery will come from. In Wisconsin, MedPay, or medical payments insurance, is an optional but often crucial element of insurance coverage. It covers medical expenses for you and your passengers, regardless of fault, providing a necessary buffer for immediate medical costs.

Additionally, you should have collision coverage, which addresses the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle. Familiarize yourself with the terms and limits of this coverage to gauge the extent of financial resources available to you for vehicle damages.

In cases where the other party lacks sufficient insurance, your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage becomes vital. This coverage ensures you are not left financially burdened due to an underinsured or uninsured at-fault driver.

Wisconsin’s insurance laws can be complex, and the interplay of different coverages may significantly affect your recovery process. An experienced attorney can assist in navigating these intricacies, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact Dillon Grube Law for Wisconsin Car Accident Representation

Dillon Grube Law brings extensive experience and know-how to Wisconsin car accident victims and their families. Our attorneys provide not just compassionate legal representation but also employ strategic narrative building in car accident litigation which is particularly important in car accident cases.

The sooner you contact our offices the sooner we’re able to start building your case and get the results you deserve. We will work with investigators who are able to recreate the accident scene and underscore the reality of your situation.

Searching for an attorney often leads to stress and confusion for people already facing a stressful situation. With seemingly countless options available online, choosing the right one feels like a gamble. However, it’s crucial to refine your search by looking beyond just any attorney when what you really need is a litigator.

This is precisely what Dillon Grube Law offers to the people of Rock County, Wisconsin. We understand the people and the needs they face when handling family or business law matters, personal injury cases, or criminal charges. Understanding the value a litigator brings compared to other attorneys is essential, and that’s where we excel.

Our Narrative Approach

Hiring an attorney is a significant decision that is often a pivot point for those seeking representation. Your attorney needs to bridge the gap between your situation and the outcome you deserve by navigating the legal system, applying relevant laws, and leveraging their connections with local officials and investigators. This is precisely what we do in our legal practice at Dillon Grube Law, but we go beyond the basics to provide a comprehensive legal representation.

Our approach is narrative-driven. We examine your case from a wider perspective, piecing together every element of your narrative and the broader story of your case. We understand the nuances of litigation and how the other side and the courts view these cases. People often want to “win,” not realizing the implication is that someone thus must “lose.”

It’s about presenting a complete story to the court, prosecutors, and other relevant parties (such as insurance companies in personal injury cases) during settlement negotiations, outlining the facts, incurred costs, and the overall scope of your situation. We help you own your narrative so the other side isn’t able to tell a story that isn’t indicative of your reality.

Litigation With Compassion

At Dillon Grube Law, compassion is at the heart of our approach. We value our clients and strive to understand the challenges they face, respecting their lives and the outcomes they deserve from their cases. Getting into a situation that demands the experience of a litigator has a notable impact on our clients, and our role is to engage with these circumstances compassionately.

Duffy Dillon, our founding attorney, grew up with a judge for a father and often found himself in the heat of cross-examination in his own home (a compliment to the dedication his father brought to the family). This unique upbringing instilled a deep understanding of the pressures within the legal process. This lifelong journey has culminated in Duffy’s dedication to representing the people of Wisconsin with empathy and a deep commitment to their real-life narratives.

Contact Dillon Grube Law for a Litigator and Legal Partner

We invite you to contact Dillon Grube Law for representation that combines compassion with a strong narrative focus. Whether your case involves personal injury, family law, or business law, our team is ready to guide you through the litigation process with a personalized, client-centered approach.