Dillon Grube, LLC
1 Parker Pl.
Suite 715
Janesville, WI 53545
Phone: 608.373.5560
Fax: 608.373.5561
PLEASE NOTE: If you are seeking legal representation, the use of this form does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between you and Dillon Grube, LLC. A conflicts-of-interest procedure must be completed by Dillon Grube, LLC before we can establish an attorney-client relationship with you. You should not send any sensitive or confidential information via this form because Dillon Grube, LLC may not be able to accept you as a client. Until Dillon Grube, LLC has agreed to represent you, no information you submit via this form 1) will be treated as secret, confidential, or privileged, or 2) will preclude Dillon Grube, LLC from representing a party in any matter where the information is relevant, even if the information could be used against you. After you submit this form, Dillon Grube, LLC will send you an automatic text and email response that will allow you to schedule a meeting at a time that is convenient for you.