Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a life-altering event that requires both emotional resilience and astute legal guidance. Like all states, Wisconsin has a distinct set of laws governing divorce proceedings. While a pro se divorce allows you to represent yourself in Wisconsin if you wish, doing so is challenging and risky. 

A divorce lawyer has extensive experience representing individuals going through the process of divorce or marriage dissolution. Divorce lawyers are well-versed in family law, which covers a wide range of legal issues related to marriage, divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, property division, and more. With an intimate understanding of Wisconsin’s unique laws, a skilled divorce lawyer is your best line of defense in securing a fair and equitable agreement that protects your livelihood.

Benefits of Hiring a Wisconsin Divorce Lawyer

A seasoned divorce lawyer will serve as your legal guide, advocate, and support system during what can be a tumultuous and uncertain time. Their expertise, objectivity, and understanding of the legal landscape can help you navigate the complexities of divorce while ensuring your rights and interests are upheld.

Your divorce lawyer plays a key role throughout the proceedings. Responsibilities include:

  • Legal Advice. A divorce lawyer offers expert advice on the legal implications of divorce, including decisions related to property division, child custody, spousal support, and more.
  • Paperwork and Documentation. Divorce involves a significant amount of paperwork, including legal documents, financial statements, and court filings. A divorce lawyer ensures that all necessary documentation is accurately prepared and submitted within the required timelines.
  • Representation in Court. If negotiations break down and litigation becomes necessary, a divorce lawyer will represent you in court. They present arguments, gather evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and advocate for your interests before a judge.
  • Negotiation and Mediation. Many divorce cases are resolved outside of court through negotiation or mediation. A divorce lawyer can act as a mediator to facilitate productive discussions between the divorcing parties, helping them reach mutually agreeable solutions.
  • Child Custody and Support. If children are involved, a divorce lawyer helps you navigate child custody arrangements and child support agreements. They prioritize the best interests of your child while ensuring your parental rights are protected.
  • Division of Assets and Debts. Dividing marital property and debts is often a complex undertaking. A divorce lawyer assists in identifying and valuing assets, ensuring that the division is equitable according to Wisconsin laws.
  • Alimony and Spousal Support. In cases where one spouse is entitled to alimony or spousal support, a divorce lawyer can help determine the appropriate amount and duration based on factors such as the length of the marriage, the parties’ financial situations, and their contributions during the marriage.
  • Emotional Support. Divorce is an emotionally challenging process, and a divorce lawyer often provides emotional support in addition to legal guidance. They understand the sensitivity of the situation and can offer empathy and understanding.
  • Post-Divorce Issues. After the divorce is finalized, post-divorce issues may arise, such as modifications to custody arrangements or support payments. A divorce lawyer can continue to assist with these matters.

Let a Wisconsin Divorce Lawyer Help With Your Case

The legal team at Dillon | Grube has been representing clients in divorce proceedings for many years. We know that each situation is unique and work hard to develop a tailored legal strategy based on the specific circumstances of our clients to achieve the best possible resolution.

If you or someone you know needs a divorce lawyer ready to fight for your rights, contact  Dillon & Grube today.